
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 582982848
2.   IR 167633219
3.   CN 20558600
4.   NL 19058639
5.   US 13516385
6.   CA 12608159
7.   DE 5035355
8.   IN 3868749
9.   RU 3657382
10.   BG 3092154
11.   FR 2931886
12.   GB 2370592
13.   HK 2026443
14.   VN 1742049
15.   KR 1600109
Most abused passwords
1. password 10373437
2. 123456 9469833
3. 123 8975520
4. 12345 8842841
5. 1234567890 8596112
6. 1 8559272
7. 1234 8556447
8. 123456789 8426267
9. test 1594293
10. service 1467187
11. testing 1445760
12. test!@# 1442439
13. sales123 1431513
14. user 1422131
15. test1 1406191