
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 22085219
2.   CN 669919
3.   US 628186
4.   CA 458243
5.   NL 391884
6.   DE 158922
7.   LT 134036
8.   IN 125372
9.   BG 104539
10.   RU 91203
11.   GB 89752
12.   VN 78539
13.   SC 50298
14.   HK 50091
15.   KR 50083
Most abused passwords
1. q1w2e3 597890
2. q1w2e3r4 597517
3. P@$$w0rd123 597177
4. p@ssword 596556
5. P@ssw0rd1234 596259
6. P@ssword1! 596253
7. P@ssw0rd123 595850
8. P@$$w0rd 595592
9. P@ssword01 595564
10. q1w2e3r4t5 279105
11. inside 84781
12. temp123456 84757
13. test!@#123 84732
14. Passowrd 84686
15. System32 84669