
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 674829807
2.   IR 167489615
3.   CN 20974666
4.   US 14933718
5.   NL 14034856
6.   CA 10229411
7.   DE 4858534
8.   FR 4495223
9.   RU 3634291
10.   IN 3529909
11.   BG 3050848
12.   SG 2739066
13.   HK 2039060
14.   GB 1961886
15.   VN 1803891
Most abused passwords
1. password 11172146
2. 123456 9698895
3. 12345 9054690
4. 123 9034269
5. 1234 8735517
6. 1234567890 8726896
7. 1 8503700
8. 123456789 8490996
9. password1 1754225
10. info 1645611
11. Password1 1545150
12. help 1543531
13. P@55w0rd 1540129
14. P@ssw0rd 1539767
15. pass123 1537995