
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   IR 144804751
2.   RO 100022794
3.   KR 14502126
4.   CN 14337139
5.   AR 10230570
6.   US 9959641
7.   NL 4513688
8.   DE 3703379
9.   IN 2303844
10.   JP 2104882
11.   KZ 1488783
12.   SG 1394744
13.   RU 1133397
14.   HK 1119479
15.   BR 991802
Most abused passwords
1. p@ssw0rd 8636216
2. 12345 7322190
3. 123 6946243
4. 123456 6309352
5. 1111 4689009
6. test 4646374
7. 1 4606189
8. password 4509408
9. 1234567890 4420024
10. Password 4280375
11. 123456789 4246660
12. 1234 962516
13. admin 932111
14. xc3511 928690
15. 12 490235