
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 19390523
2.   TW 8119529
3.   US 3401453
4.   CN 2934469
5.   IN 1478725
6.   SG 1471365
7.   DE 1437178
8.   KR 1180503
9.   HK 1161430
10.   UA 890521
11.   RU 843869
12.   GB 779200
13.   NL 752116
14.   FR 417325
15.   ID 405714
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 2688862
2. 1234 2294899
3. 123 2259920
4. 12345 221230
5. password 208667
6. 1q2w3e4r 193528
7. admin 175893
8. 111111 154027
9. 11223344 124207
10. pass 123966
11. 666666 121398
12. 888888 115246
13. ubnt 107303
14. telnet 107089
15. CTLsupport12 105417