
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   US 3667865
2.   RO 3160675
3.   CN 2907738
4.   TW 2884380
5.   DE 1531871
6.   IN 1447191
7.   HK 1441527
8.   UA 1063846
9.   RU 1020763
10.   NL 848530
11.   SG 762036
12.   GB 644366
13.   BD 501531
14.   KR 376999
15.   BE 359669
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 899171
2. 1qaz2wsx 895889
3. password 434615
4. 111111 162092
5. 1234 139548
6. 123 117131
7. 12345 114923
8. admin 104671
9. 1 61605
10. P@ssw0rd 47642
11. pass 45930
12. 666666 44833
13. root 41485
14. 12345678 41411
15. 1234567890 39497