
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   NL 47599562
2.   RO 31334393
3.   SG 8019744
4.   US 7972503
5.   CN 7263803
6.   HK 4502195
7.   DE 4477952
8.   RU 2808886
9.   BG 2747832
10.   GB 2592506
11.   IN 1172703
12.   BD 1094380
13.   CH 988129
14.   VN 909287
15.   KR 899882
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 1936222
2. P@ssw0rd 1514231
3. admin@123 1245853
4. 1qaz@WSX 1231349
5. Admin123!@# 1195535
6. 123qwe!@# 1192487
7. root@123 1077658
8. password 599560
9. test 573650
10. 1q2w3e4r 506096
11. root123!@# 493083
12. password123 476950
13. admin123456 452394
14. 111111 450202
15. p@ssw0rd 441483