
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   IR 98028060
2.   RO 90602482
3.   KR 16151845
4.   CN 14443634
5.   AR 10785358
6.   US 9609709
7.   NL 4536209
8.   DE 3649797
9.   IN 2250439
10.   JP 2122066
11.   KZ 1519347
12.   SG 1300362
13.   HK 1224644
14.   RU 1122135
15.   BR 1003372
Most abused passwords
1. 12345 5735194
2. 123 5349272
3. 123456 4913932
4. p@ssw0rd 4634570
5. 1111 3181303
6. test 3163680
7. 1 3124906
8. 1234567890 2949725
9. password 2920875
10. Password 2893141
11. 123456789 2638448
12. P@ssw0rd 1894840
13. 1234 978818
14. xc3511 959367
15. admin 955714