
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   IR 122646667
2.   RO 54717693
3.   NL 25079930
4.   CN 13249934
5.   US 8387328
6.   SG 3610773
7.   DE 2668645
8.   IN 2479580
9.   JP 2161307
10.   BR 1486936
11.   HK 1360638
12.   KZ 1339276
13.   RU 1128576
14.   TH 1118439
15.   GB 1009644
Most abused passwords
1. 1qaz2wsx 13754195
2. password 7980293
3. p@ssw0rd 5905548
4. 123 4535812
5. 123456 4409777
6. 12345 4252798
7. 123456789 4171677
8. 1234567890 4041169
9. 1111 4003829
10. Password 3827421
11. 1 3809666
12. test 3660189
13. admin 320454
14. 1234 266269
15. xc3511 205904