
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 7964009388
2.   IR 1846746366
3.   DE 1157331164
4.   NL 589715543
5.   LT 512067686
6.   CN 301700894
7.   BG 299704935
8.   US 220196618
9.   MX 59352756
10.   RU 58806421
11.   KR 53587425
12.   VN 49806621
13.   SG 48817754
14.   PE 39277460
15.   IN 37433623
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 241305902
2. password 173136691
3. P@ssw0rd 119573011
4. p@ssw0rd 110675653
5. 123 92948513
6. 12345 91660609
7. 1qaz2wsx 74841255
8. 123456789 59574297
9. 1234567890 41888085
10. 1234 41688072
11. Password1 38451199
12. 111111 37592053
13. 1111 34886604
14. 1qaz@WSX 33917550
15. admin@123 32787858