
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 7979320068
2.   IR 1634450089
3.   DE 1153589283
4.   NL 585525904
5.   LT 514403730
6.   BG 299968201
7.   CN 290019153
8.   US 214821425
9.   MX 70114844
10.   RU 58321261
11.   VN 49491866
12.   SG 47138175
13.   PE 40197487
14.   KR 38283799
15.   IN 35158532
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 237814893
2. password 165711304
3. P@ssw0rd 119348233
4. p@ssw0rd 97358659
5. 123 82940024
6. 12345 81178500
7. 1qaz2wsx 74425102
8. 123456789 52390261
9. 1234 40942305
10. Password1 38513223
11. 111111 37517355
12. 1234567890 34431251
13. 1qaz@WSX 33892752
14. admin@123 32788470
15. 123123 31518352