
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 1616871463
2.   NL 398399382
3.   IR 391278400
4.   CN 80249102
5.   US 47071691
6.   SG 18778926
7.   DE 18596185
8.   CA 18120931
9.   FR 13468348
10.   KR 12952873
11.   IN 12662787
12.   RU 10249256
13.   BG 8555145
14.   GB 8310646
15.   HK 6786005
Most abused passwords
1. password 45603343
2. 123456 30322069
3. 123456789 26605976
4. 123 22187105
5. 1qaz2wsx 16061638
6. p@ssw0rd 16032980
7. 12345 15224055
8. 1234567890 13806366
9. 1 13019959
10. 1234 11691473
11. test 5206218
12. 1111 5188832
13. admin 4205270
14. Password 3256548
15. 12345678 3158160