
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 1531168903
2.   IR 632525025
3.   NL 399319830
4.   CN 93542928
5.   US 55852595
6.   KR 24787252
7.   DE 21818356
8.   SG 18319932
9.   CA 17304615
10.   IN 14918365
11.   FR 11396141
12.   AR 11240719
13.   RU 11133545
14.   BG 8761852
15.   GB 8466732
Most abused passwords
1. password 53326638
2. 123456 39132115
3. 123456789 34002762
4. 123 32155859
5. p@ssw0rd 29240221
6. 12345 25681629
7. 1234567890 21196286
8. 1 20737643
9. 1qaz2wsx 16426211
10. 1111 13052417
11. test 12761408
12. 1234 12440623
13. Password 10462625
14. admin 4870256
15. 1234567 3234383