
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   NL 184906039
2.   CN 45503266
3.   RO 40864463
4.   US 32180389
5.   HK 18129765
6.   SG 14951420
7.   DE 14048009
8.   RU 13852015
9.   BG 12414701
10.   GB 9616228
11.   KR 6740376
12.   TW 6672424
13.   IN 6282829
14.   UA 5508325
15.   CH 4345976
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 7270312
2. 111111 2396365
3. password 2343046
4. admin@123 1958122
5. 123 1919708
6. P@ssw0rd 1881934
7. admin 1760076
8. 1q2w3e4r 1554492
9. 1234 1470327
10. 1qaz@WSX 1431277
11. test 1424809
12. 12345 1286506
13. 123qwe!@# 1258801
14. Admin123!@# 1215529
15. root 1187930