
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   IR 341868002
2.   RO 304410237
3.   NL 291534774
4.   CN 52684257
5.   US 29567692
6.   KR 15387890
7.   DE 12849094
8.   SG 12771464
9.   AR 9411105
10.   IN 8024392
11.   JP 5750756
12.   KZ 5357556
13.   RU 4774685
14.   HK 4595918
15.   BR 3998819
Most abused passwords
1. password 28562352
2. p@ssw0rd 27337237
3. 12345 14475143
4. 123 14374196
5. 1qaz2wsx 14237475
6. 123456 13998373
7. 1111 11126418
8. 123456789 11088071
9. 1234567890 10934614
10. 1 10837026
11. test 10687304
12. Password 10303236
13. 1234 1730940
14. admin 1668790
15. xc3511 1223254