
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   NL 370742976
2.   RO 277316739
3.   IR 100527188
4.   CN 41383067
5.   US 20694435
6.   SG 11178874
7.   DE 10425638
8.   IN 6457592
9.   GB 4156521
10.   RU 3895720
11.   KZ 3812588
12.   HK 3612497
13.   JP 3450504
14.   CA 3440253
15.   BR 3184481
Most abused passwords
1. password 20886286
2. p@ssw0rd 14120059
3. 1qaz2wsx 13940426
4. 123456 5142953
5. 123 4418901
6. 12345 4157657
7. 123456789 3687866
8. 1234567890 3550521
9. 1111 3349532
10. test 3236502
11. 1 3231651
12. Password 3092780
13. 1234 1018530
14. admin 800840
15. 123123 485138