
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 1002462
2.   US 121227
3.   CN 61902
4.   TW 54859
5.   SG 54761
6.   HK 50667
7.   IN 41827
8.   RU 39604
9.   NL 39602
10.   KR 32538
11.   DE 24205
12.   GB 23753
13.   UA 18925
14.   FR 18392
15.   CZ 15172
Most abused passwords
1. 1qaz2wsx 158508
2. 123456 156153
3. password 145047
4. Password! 17311
5. 123asd!@# 17278
6. 1QAZ2wsx3EDC 17269
7. Passw0rd1 17237
8. asd@123 17223
9. 1Qaz@WSX3edc 17218
10. Changeme123 17180
11. tuidc@2016 17147
12. 2wsx#EDC 17117
13. 2wsx1qaz! 17065
14. 123zxc!@# 17031
15. P@55w0rd 16968