Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1. | RO | 1002462 |
2. | US | 121227 |
3. | CN | 61902 |
4. | TW | 54859 |
5. | SG | 54761 |
6. | HK | 50667 |
7. | IN | 41827 |
8. | RU | 39604 |
9. | NL | 39602 |
10. | KR | 32538 |
11. | DE | 24205 |
12. | GB | 23753 |
13. | UA | 18925 |
14. | FR | 18392 |
15. | CZ | 15172 |
Most abused passwords
1. | 1qaz2wsx | 158508 |
2. | 123456 | 156153 |
3. | password | 145047 |
4. | Password! | 17311 |
5. | 123asd!@# | 17278 |
6. | 1QAZ2wsx3EDC | 17269 |
7. | Passw0rd1 | 17237 |
8. | asd@123 | 17223 |
9. | 1Qaz@WSX3edc | 17218 |
10. | Changeme123 | 17180 |
11. | tuidc@2016 | 17147 |
12. | 2wsx#EDC | 17117 |
13. | 2wsx1qaz! | 17065 |
14. | 123zxc!@# | 17031 |
15. | P@55w0rd | 16968 |