
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 15050930
2.   NL 6032149
3.   SG 1090321
4.   US 940215
5.   CN 843273
6.   BG 502969
7.   HK 404279
8.   GB 396572
9.   DE 395724
10.   RU 222703
11.   IN 168691
12.   BD 163816
13.   VN 149155
14.   PL 132171
15.   BR 123058
Most abused passwords
1. Admin123!@# 1189110
2. root@123 1068460
3. 123qwe!@# 1059992
4. root123!@# 1054551
5. P@$$w0rd 1048357
6. qwe123!@# 1046756
7. 1qaz@WSX 405485
8. pa55w0rd 391374
9. passw0rd 357860
10. zaq12wsx 350327
11. letmein 348945
12. abcd1234 348704
13. baseball 347555
14. 1q2w3e4r5t6y 347352
15. 1qaz2wsx 225685