
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 607616
2.   NL 243269
3.   US 69957
4.   SG 38462
5.   CN 33103
6.   BG 14418
7.   HK 14081
8.   GB 12079
9.   VN 9784
10.   RU 7464
11.   IN 7431
12.   DE 7226
13.   BD 6302
14.   PL 5237
15.   KR 5181
Most abused passwords
1. P@$$w0rd 274143
2. 1qaz2wsx 118219
3. admin123# 10766
4. 123456 6227
5. email03 5529
6. 1234 2274
7. admin 2222
8. 111111 2016
9. 12345 1789
10. 123 1370
11. 1 1216
12. vv01 1104
13. podcast01 1103
14. assets001 1103
15. jewelry01 1102