
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 484400
2.   KR 110511
3.   CN 99023
4.   US 41256
5.   AR 32898
6.   NL 18094
7.   DE 16666
8.   KZ 16420
9.   JP 15385
10.   MD 11338
11.   BR 10246
12.   HK 10149
13.   IN 9763
14.   IR 9541
15.   TR 7258
Most abused passwords
1. P@ssw0rd 228508
2. 123123123 7386
3. xc3511 6153
4. 123456 6044
5. admin 5810
6. password 4246
7. 12345 3511
8. 1234 3170
9. Pon521 3136
10. a1sev5y7c39k 3002
11. root621 2994
12. swsbzkgn 2982
13. vizxv 2791
14. 1qw23er4 2745
15. 12qwaszx 2684