
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   IR 2601890
2.   RO 343447
3.   CN 105873
4.   US 70528
5.   NL 40213
6.   TW 27989
7.   RU 18318
8.   JP 17904
9.   IN 17400
10.   AT 17395
11.   LT 16151
12.   DE 13497
13.   SG 10942
14.   BR 9521
15.   IT 6211
Most abused passwords
1. password 96065
2. 123 92077
3. 1 90801
4. 12345 88336
5. 1111 87067
6. 123456 86131
7. 123456789 85251
8. 1234567890 84353
9. Password 77032
10. test 75710
11. xc3511 6193
12. admin 5567
13. Pon521 3120
14. root621 3109
15. a1sev5y7c39k 3052