
Top passwords by number of abuses
Top passwords by number of abuses
1. P@ssw0rd 2732617
2. xc3511 89385
3. admin 81876
4. 123456 68259
5. 123123123 57656
6. 123123 50969
7. 12qwaszx 44911
8. Pon521 44854
9. a1sev5y7c39k 44520
10. root621 44348
11. 12345 44180
12. swsbzkgn 44180
13. password 41725
14. 123 41394
15. 1234 40850
16. vizxv 40305
17. hikvision 35742
18. default 32055
19. 888888 31898
20. 54321 27982
21. root 24650
22. 1111 23403
23. support 23082
24. xmhdipc 22450
25. juantech 22219
26. e8ehome1 21697
27. CUAdmin 21600
28. tsgoingon 21552
29. pass 20518
30. user 19118
Top usernames by number of abuses
1. root 1824763
2. admin 330376
3. hikvision 35861
4. guest 32602
5. support 29093
6. test 25173
7. user 22483
8. e8ehome1 21697
9. CUAdmin 21601
10. Admin 18778
11. scanner 15101
12. default 14651
13. ftp 13852
14. desktop 13685
15. print 12747
16. printer 12584
17. info 11925
18. administrator 9480
19. ubnt 9098
20. bin 8644
21. www 7931
22. db 7918
23. postgres 7625
24. ubuntu 7433
25. admin1 7396
26. contact 7347
27. web 6966
28. server 6825
29. service 6665
30. tech 6601
Top username / password combinations by number of abuses
1. root xc3511 89384
2. root Pon521 44854
3. root a1sev5y7c39k 44513
4. root root621 44348
5. root swsbzkgn 44180
6. root admin 44023
7. root vizxv 40303
8. admin admin 35062
9. root 888888 27044
10. support support 23068
11. root 54321 22859
12. root default 22810
13. root 123456 22776
14. root xmhdipc 22450
15. root juantech 22219
16. e8ehome1 e8ehome1 21697
17. CUAdmin CUAdmin 21600
18. root tsgoingon 21552
19. root root 19248
20. root 12345 18799
21. admin password 18183
22. root anko 18106
23. hikvision hikvision 17967
24. admin hikvision 17775
25. user user 14317
26. root 1111 14052
27. root pass 13808
28. admin smcadmin 13595
29. admin admin1234 13292
30. guest 12345 9823