
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 7302505
2.   NL 2936183
3.   SG 546920
4.   US 505006
5.   CN 409831
6.   DE 230927
7.   BG 226855
8.   HK 210885
9.   GB 197171
10.   RU 105453
11.   BD 76910
12.   IN 68847
13.   PL 67986
14.   VN 60497
15.   TW 56026
Most abused passwords
1. root123!@# 1054390
2. P@$$w0rd 1048040
3. qwe123!@# 1046597
4. abcd1234 348172
5. baseball 347489
6. 1q2w3e4r5t6y 347164
7. 1qaz2wsx 223521
8. admin123# 187113
9. letmein 155986
10. 123qwe!@# 87583
11. 123456 76718
12. admin 26357
13. 111111 23583
14. 1234 23185
15. email01 22481