
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   IR 32198077
2.   RO 4127761
3.   CN 1226497
4.   US 945159
5.   TW 317181
6.   NL 261107
7.   RU 177910
8.   IN 174180
9.   SG 142103
10.   DE 119024
11.   JP 117206
12.   BR 102500
13.   MY 96809
14.   HK 96027
15.   KR 78386
Most abused passwords
1. password 1158312
2. 12345 1128785
3. 123456789 1111054
4. 1111 1101675
5. 123 1090724
6. 1234567890 1066551
7. 1 1046909
8. 123456 1022401
9. Password 997438
10. test 975142
11. xc3511 77470
12. admin 69053
13. a1sev5y7c39k 38864
14. Pon521 38769
15. root621 38687